Monday, October 1, 2012


Life is busy, but life is fun!

After a short month, Darrin is back in school for Fall Semester (one more semester and he will be done!) He is gone a lot with either school, work, or clinicals and when he is home he usually has a lot of homework to do. It gets hard but it will be worth it come April!!

Isaac is in 1st grade and loving school. He sure loves to learn and to understand why things are the way they are. Sometimes we just have to tell him we will google it because we don't know much about what he wants to know. He loves science, outer space, weather, geology... He chose to be a mad scientist for Halloween this year, I think it fits him well! :) Every month for school the kids are suppose to read at least 400 minutes. For the month of September, Isaac read 600 minutes! The first book they sent home with him was a chapter book! Crazy! Isaac just got finished with soccer for Fall. He has been doing gymnastics this whole year and is loving it. I am going to be signing him up for a chess tournament for kids on November 3rd(the day after his bday), he is excited. He loves to play games, chess, monopoly, five crowns, anything.

Bryn is three and started preschool this year. She was a little shy at first but is enjoying being there and making new friends. She is now in dance and loves dressing up in her leotard, tights and skirt to go. She is still our sweet little princess that loves to be in dresses, which she is teaching Jordyn to love too! Last month, we signed Bryn up for gymnastics in the Developmental Team 1, which they are more strict and teach them really good technique and they gradually will move up and then start to compete when they get older. Bryn is sure a strong little chick! She has the cutest grin on her face during class. Bryn learned to ride a bike this summer with no training wheels and loves to ride at the skate park with her brother. She can have her times with attitude but she can also be the sweetest girl around.

Jordyn will be two in a month. She is the busiest child I have ever known. She sure keeps me on my toes. Jordyn likes to get into everything, all day long! :) She loves waking up and seeing her brother and sister in the morning. She will say their names and give them hugs, it is cute! Lately she has been starting to copy a lot of what Bryn or Isaac will say or do. Jordyn (well all of my kids) love the little neighbor boys around us. Jordyn sure keeps us laughing. She is a little character and will do funny random stuff all the time.

As for myself, taking care of everyone I just wrote about keeps me busy! Earlier today, I was sitting on the kitchen floor playing with Bryn and doing dumb stuff to make her laugh. As I was sitting there, I realized, that is one of my most favorite things to do is make my children laugh. I love to make people laugh and be happy but to have my children laugh is the best!  I love life, yes I sometimes am running around crazy or have to make and eat dinner within an extremely short amount of time before we have to head some place for the kids, but I wouldn't change it. I did tons of running this year, took a bit of a break and then ran a relay race this past Saturday with some great women. It was such a fun time to be able to get a break and enjoy running. I didn't train for it so I am paying for it now, but it was a blast!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I love this boy!
I have had a paper sitting around my house for the last couple of months with questions and answers from Isaac that I have wanted to put on here. I can finally throw it away once I finish this!

I couldn't ask for a better son! He loves to make sure everyone around him is happy. He loves to give hugs and kisses. His nickname for himself is I6. It changes every year with his age! Last year, he was I5 and when he turns 7, he will be I7!! He is extremely good at remembering things. He can hear a song in the car and tell me what Transformer movie it is from and what is happening during the movie while the song is playing! (I can't even do that!) He also does that with other movies. He is almost done with Kindergarten. He still loves to read and learn math. He is taking Tumbling classes and is loving it. He also took wrestling, and just got done with soccer. He loves to play chess and checkers and sure challenges us!! He is also such a great big brother!!! His sisters sure do love him!!

Now here is the  questions and answers I asked him. We did this on March 3, 2012.

My favorite food is: Tacos
My favorite sport is: Soccer, biking, and skiing
The best show on tv is: Wildkratts
The coolest person in the world is: My mom and dad
My best subject in school is: Math
I'm really awesome at: Playing games
If I could change my name, it would be: Ryan
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to: Oceanside, Ca
My favorite color is: Green
When I grow up I want to be: A doctor
My parents are too strict about: Watching TV
My favorite song: New Divide (off of Transformers)
3 words that describe me are: Smart, happy, kind
When I was little, I used to: Play with cars
My favorite book is: My big Transformers book
My favorite scripture story is: Noah and the Ark
My favorite primary song is: Book of Mormon Stories
My favorite season is: Winter
The best snack ever is: Rolos
The food that makes me want to barf is: Onions
My best friend is: Ryan
If I had one wish it would be: All the Transformers were real
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: I got the Ultimate Optimus Prime
One thing I want to learn to do this year: Drive a 4-wheeler
My favorite animal: Dolphins and Saber Tooth Tigers